Tuesday, May 24, 2011

folded fibre reinforced concrete design objects

german designer Tim Mackerodt has designed and built a lamp and a stool using concrete that is folded during the curing process. The process is as follows:
Fibre reinforced concrete is laid out on a flexible formwork. During the curing process, when slightly hard, the formwork is folded into the desired shape. After the concrete is cured, the formwork is taken apart, leaving a very filigrane concrete object.
Using this method, concrete can be put into shapes that would be impossible using traditional casting methods.
have a look at the objects. I think especially the lamp is showing new ways of using concrete as a design material, basically in opposition to ceramics.
The lamp's walls are only 2,7mm thick, making it very lightweight. reminding me of the concrete canoe emplica is sponsoring.

image: tim mackerodt

image: tim mackerodt

now emplica needs to invent even more flexible repair products...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Die HelvETHier kommen… … und lassen die Neutralität zu Hause

Die emplica AG ist stolzer Unterstützer des Betonkanuregatta Teams der ETh Zürich, der "HelvETHier".

Zum 13. Mal zeigen Studenten aus Europa bei einem gemeinsamen Wettkampf Höchstleistungen aus Ingenieurwissenschaften, Teamgedanken, Disziplin, Ausdauer und Ehrgeiz. Die Betonkanuregatta findet am 23. und 24. Juni in Magdeburg statt. Zugelassen sind nur Kanus und Boote/Schwimmkörper (offene Klasse) aus Beton! Das erfordert einiges an Hirnschmalz und Muskel, denn Kanus aus Beton zählen eher zu den Schwergewichtigen.

Ich begleite die Studenten der ETH seit einigen Wochen beim Bau des Kanus und konnte sowohl beim Betonieren als auch beim Ausschalen mithelfen. Die Bootstaufe ist am Montag, den 16.Mai auf dem Zürichsee.
Mehr infos zur Regatta selber gib es hier.
Infos zum Team hier.
Unsere Pressemitteilung 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Floats like a stone in water, concrete canoe 2011 challenge!

emplica is proud sponsor of this years concrete canoe challenge team of the ETH Zürich (University Zürich).
See their website here: http://www.betonkanu.ethz.ch/

More info coming soon!

The prospect winners:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This Kiosk will survive the next 1000 years.

I am sure the owners of this kiosk must be really doing good business to build their shop this sturdy...
not quite sure if it really makes sense, but looks funny.
image: Wellmann Ladinger

image: Wellmann Ladinger

The kiosk is located just a few steps outside of Dornbirn, Austria. Formwork was constructed with raw spruce boards.
more info here: Beton.org

Monday, May 2, 2011

Nice video about NYC Apartment Buildings with Robert A. M. Stern

winding monolithic reinforced concrete bridge over Schanerloch in Austria

image: marc lins
Architects Marte.Marte have completed a beautiful bridge over a small alpine stream in the Vorarlberg region in Austria.
Challenging farmwork engineering with finply panels.

Schanerloch bridge
image: marc lins

image: private user at bauforum24.biz

image: private user at bauforum24.biz

bridge from below
image: marte.marte architects

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